

Praxia is a next-generation, technology-driven biofertilizer designed for versatile application in the field. It can be used in multiple ways—sprayed through any standard equipment, applied via drip irrigation, or broadcasted directly by mixing it with soil or other fertilizers like DAP, Urea, or soil conditioners. Formulated as a granular blend, Praxia combines organic nutrients, organic carbon, and bio-extracts with an optimal amount of nitrogen. This unique composition ensures a balanced nutrient supply, promoting healthier plant growth and higher-quality yields. When physically broadcasted, Praxia enhances microbial activity in the soil, improving both nutrient uptake and the water-holding capacity of crops and plants.


Praxia is suitable for a wide range of crops, including vegetables, fruits, and cereal crops.

  • 0.5 kg to 0.8 kg per acre
  • 1.25 kg to 2 kg per hectare
  • 0.5 kg, 1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, and 50 kg

1. Physical Broadcasting:

  • Mix the recommended dose of Praxia granules with soil or other fertilizers such as Urea or DAP.
  • Broadcast the mixture directly onto the field using standard farming practices.
  • Praxia can be applied at any stage of crop development.

2. Spray Application:

  • Dilute the recommended dose of Praxia granules in water.
  • Apply the solution using any available spray equipment or through drip irrigation.
  • For optimal results, begin application 12-15 days after sowing, and repeat every 15-18 days throughout the crop cycle.

3. Foliar Spray:

  • Mix the recommended dose of Praxia in water, ensuring enough solution to cover the entire crop area.
  • Spray the diluted solution evenly using standard farmer practices and equipment.

Praxia delivers a comprehensive nutrient boost for crops, leading to stronger plant health, improved yields, and sustainable farming practices. Whether applied through spraying, irrigation, or broadcasting, Praxia ensures your crops get the nutrients they need for maximum productivity.

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